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church divestment

In his encyclical Laudato Si', Pope Francis addresses why it is now time to take action to protect the climate: not only to avoid massive environmental destruction and the extinction of species, but above all to deal with the great suffering and injustice caused by climate change, to prevent.


Nevertheless, far too many dioceses and church institutions are still reluctant to say openly and self-confidently: We don't want to profit financially from the destruction of the climate, we think it's wrong to invest money in fossil fuels. The churches cannot be accused of not having started to think very carefully about how to invest their money in the most ethical and sustainable way possible. Unfortunately, hardly any church institution speaks openly about it.


The Evangelical Church in Bavaria has done a lot in recent years to invest in a climate-friendly manner:

We are pleased that we were able to accompany them critically and always.

We call on the Archdiocese of Munich Freising to withdraw their funds from fossil fuels in a public manner.

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